The New Administrative Capital Of Egypt, located 45 kilometers east of Cairo and just in halfway to the seaport city of Suez, Nearby New Cairo area and accessible from Cairo-Suez Road, It is Connected To The Old City With main roads and electric train.
The New Capital City is planned to be the new administrative and financial capital of Egypt, it includes main government departments and ministries, embassies & all facilities to let residents live inside the city without the need to go our for necessity.
The New Administrative Capital Spreads Over 700 square kilometres, the expected population is five million people, though it is estimated that the figure could rise to seven million with many extensions to be done.
The new capital city consists of 21 residential districts and 25 services districts, the downtown of the new capital will contain high end skyscrapers to give the new city the needed touch of modern city with remaining the oriental designs in minds.
The New Capital Of Egypt will also have a park double the size of New York City's Central Park, a lakes, about 2,000 educational institutions, a technology facilities, more than 663 hospitals and clinics, 1,250 mosques, 40,000 hotel rooms, a major theme park, 90 square kilometers of solar energy farms, an electric railway link with Cairo, and a new new international airport to connect the city with the whole world.
The New Capital's compounds will have the feature of being inside a gated community, in the mean time, you will be nearby all governmental facilities.